This section presents reports on thematic areas-from the various assessments, baselines and evaluation related to broader aspect of TMA programming. These are presented as below


TMA has been implementing a regional Women in Trade (WiT) in several boarders in EAC and DRC targeted to support women MSMEs including women cross border traders with the long-term objective of contributing to greater inclusion of women in trade and enterprise in Eastern Africa. The programme addresses these objectives through a three-pronged approach that responds to the constraints at policy, sectoral and enterprise level. The key focus areas of the program are (i) improving the trading environment for women in trade; (ii) building trade capacity of women traders/Small Medium Enterprises and institutional capacity for trader associations/cooperatives for increased market access and trade value; and (iii) increasing transparency of and access to trading and market information through Information Communication Technology (ICT) based solutions. TMA works with partners-EASSI, Profamme to implement the WiT programme. These programmes have generated vast amounts of information and evidence as per the report below



Mombasa West roads improvement programme and Mombasa County port access roads: Baseline and end of projects surveys, 2019


This baseline report presents evidence from a baseline a roads project, Mombasa West roads improvement programme and Mombasa County port access roads that was jointly undertaken Government of Kenya in partnership with TradeMark Africa (TMA) to reduce congestion, improve access to the port and inject much needed efficiency in operations and service delivery while also benefiting other road user, households, and businesses within the vicinity. The baseline results revealed that both businesses had benefited from efficient transportation of good and services to markets and access to more customers while households had benefited from improved mobility.



A Regional Analytical Analysis of Trends in Trade and Transport in East Africa, 2022


This report documents the results of the Regional Analytical Analysis of Trends in Trade and Transport in East Africa (RAATTE) study, TradeMark Africa’s (TMA’s) first East Africa wide survey of traffic and trade trends across the region. The RAATTE study establishes a data collection process, an analysis of trade volumes, an emissions inventory, an assessment of transport costs, and the baseline dataset for use in TMA’s trade facilitation intervention impact assessment efforts.




This report presents the results from a baseline study on Malawi trade corridors as part of TMA’s Malawi Country Programme (MaCP) aimed at improving the trading environment in Malawi to enable understanding of how the COVID pandemic has impacted current trade flows and performance of trade corridors and enable formulation of  both the short and long-term policies to mitigate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and support efficient trading and enhance business competitiveness in Malawi.
