These are short pieces released by the TMA Research Unit targeting stakeholders and policymakers. They encourage positive discourse on trade.

Trade Facilitation Policy briefs

Since 2010, TMA has supported several interventions to facilitate trade. This has reduced trade barriers and enhanced business competitiveness within the East African Community (EAC). Said interventions have generated vast amounts of data and evidence relevant to policymaking. TMA’s Research Unit releases these short policy pieces in a bid to craft sustainable solutions towards economic growth, trade, value chains, service sectors, investment, gender and Women in Trade, Infrastructure, one-stop border post(OSBP) and selected trade facilitation indicators.

These pieces are as below:


COVID-19 impacts on Trade

The onset of COVID-19 in the fourth quarter of 2019 came with uncertainties on global chains, disruption of supply chains, border closure, and travel restrictions that hampered economic activity, and halted production. TMA as a player in the aid-for-trade space set out to develop short policy pieces to challenge back against reduced trade along ports, corridors and border posts and economic decline with associated job losses within the EAC. The main objective of the policy pieces is to provide the real-time information needed to implement short-term policy measures to mitigate the severe impact of COVID- 19
